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Lincoln Park Holiness Church
Youth Department
The Junior Church is responsible to be responsive to the spiritual needs of the young people of the Church. They lead activities that keep our young people involved in church. The Youth Department is also responsible for the Fannie Washington Memorial Scholarship Fund to hopefully one day sponsor full scholarships to our Youth.
President: Sis. Deborah Hunter
Vice President: Sis. Tina Taylor
Dramatization and Dance
Perform during special occasions and events.
Dance/Mime Dr. Minister Gena Byrd
Drama: Sis. Pamela Haynes
Minister Veronica Johnson
Sunday School
Superintendent: Trustee Levi Jones
Assistant Superintendent: Deacon Joseph Bellamy Jr.
Primary & Juniors Class: Sis. Sarah Yarborough
Teenagers Class: Evangelist Selena HUnter
LPHC Jr. Choir
The Junior Choir is made up of young male and female singers between the ages of two and eighteen years of age. The Junior Choir sing every 2nd Sunday. We are always seeking youth that has a desire to use their gift that God has placed within them.
President: Evangelist Selena Hunter
Treasurer: Sis. Tempye McKoy
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